Goldman Sachs

Going Global: The Top 10 Risks

What utilities ought to know before doing business overseas.

An investigation into the top 10 risks of foreign investment shows the curses and the blessings of wanting to be a global utility.

Nuclear and Coal: Rebirth on the Horizon?

An analysis of the business opportunities behind coal and nuclear plant expansion.


An analysis of the business opportunities behind coal and nuclear plant expansion.

Electric power industry trade publications and the popular media have noted a growing interest in the rebirth of both nuclear power and coal-fired generation. These technologies would be a supplement to, or an alternative to, the natural gas fired generation that appears to be the predominant fuel and technology for new power generation facilities in the coming decade.

Bullish for Business

Forced consolidation of RTOs would set transmission owners free to go after profits.

Forced consolidation of RTOs would set transmission owners free to go after profits.

Jules Verne's Grid?

With undersea cable linking Canada to Manhattan, Project Neptune could remake the transmission biz.

With undersea cable linking Canada to Manhattan, Project Neptune could remake the transmission biz.

Energie sans Frontieres: Gas & Electricity Converge Along the U.S.-Canadian Border

RELENTLESS. That's the word consultant Benjamin Schlesinger uses to describe the growing share of North American markets claimed by natural gas produced in the U.S. Rocky Mountain region, the San Juan basin and western Canada.

"Western gas has climbed steadily, from 21 percent of North American gas production in 1975, to 33 percent in 1995," says Schlesinger, president of Benjamin Schlesinger & Associates Inc., Bethesda, Md. "It looks like that figure will reach 35 percent in the next few years.

Electronic Trading: Toward a Mature Power Market

A MASSIVE, WORLD WAR I-era building in downtown Baltimore houses Constellation Power Source, an unregulated, wholly owned power-marketing subsidiary of Baltimore Gas and Electric Co. Upon introducing the new company in February, BG&E announced that Goldman Sachs would serve as "exclusive advisor" for the start-up.

Later, when asked to clarify the relationship between the two companies, Charles W.

Pipeline Restructuring: Slicing a Shrinking Pie


Earlier this year, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission opened a discussion of issues facing the natural gas industry. Its aim? To set "regulatory goals and priorities" for the era following from Order 636, issued in 1992. %n1%n

To gather input, the FERC scheduled a two-day public conference. It asked for comments on a myriad of topics, ranging from cost-of-service rates to hourly gas pricing and services.