The Regulators Forum - States to Feds: Don't tread on Me

How far do states rights go in transmission planning?

How far do states rights go in transmission planning?

The energy industry, coming off a remarkably difficult few years, had to deal with the huge Aug. 14 blackout, the ramifications of which have now reached regulatory policy. By putting transmission planning and reliability in the spotlight, the blackout could boost merchant transmission owners, as regulators and politicians scramble to make sure such an event does not happen again.

Commission Watch

Irregular seams affect ratemaking policies.

Commission Watch

Irregular seams affect ratemaking policies.

In a case that marks the first time the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission eliminated inter-RTO rate pancaking, the commission in late July issued an order terminating regional through-and-out rates (RTORs) charged by two regional transmission owners (RTOs)-Midwest Independent System Operator (MISO) and PJM Interconnection. The decision removes an estimated $250 million in yearly fees collected by those two entities.

Letters to the Editor / Corrections & Clarifications


Letters to the Editor / Corrections & Clarifications

To the Editor:

In a letter to the Oct. 1, 2003, , a letter from Lewis Evans and Kevin Counsell claims that a "pay-as-bid" day-ahead market would produce prices comparable to real-time prices even if loads understated their demand day-ahead, eliminating the incentive to underschedule (as allegedly happened in California).


It would join an RTO but dictate the terms-a dangerous game that has the industry talking.

It would join an RTO but dictate the terms-a dangerous game that has the industry talking. When I talked a few months ago with AEP President and CEO Linn Draper Jr., he discussed how his company would have joined the PJM RTO in March were it not for the backlash he was getting from certain state regulators.


New realities demand new direction from utilities.


New realities demand new direction from utilities.


Commission Watch

Why FERC must yield to bankruptcy law.

Commission Watch

Why FERC must yield to bankruptcy law.


How will regulators react if the current trickle of bankruptcies within the debt-laden merchant power sector should suddenly become a torrent? Will they encourage the necessary restrcturing of debt, or will they stand in the way?


FERC should consider a two-part tariff to boost transmission investment.


FERC should consider a two-part tariff to boost transmission investment.


Transmission, rather than generation, is generally the constraint preventing customers from getting the power they desire.


The blackout could doom deregulation, but why treat reliability and reform as either-or?


The blackout could doom deregulation, but why treat reliability and reform as either-or?

Driving west near Cleveland on the Ohio Turnpike back in August, a few days after the big blackout, I saw what looked like a small helicopter hovering up ahead, about 25 feet from the top of a transmission tower.

Was this a prank? Had terrorists struck? Or was it the local TV news station, just trying to get a closer look?

Blackouts? never Again! (But...)

We ask merchant grid developers if anything can ever be done.

We ask merchant grid developers if anything can ever be done.


The blackout of August 2003 should have come as no surprise. The Department of Energy's May 2002 National Transmission Grid Study finds growing evidence that the U.S. transmission system is in urgent need of modernization.

Commission Watch

How far will FERC go to restore market confidence?

Commission Watch

How far will FERC go to restore market confidence?


Despite keen industry interest in FERC's proposed "rules of the road," aka new codes of conduct, it appears the industry will have to wait. FERC recently granted extensions for filings, and the commission will not gather all reply comments until Sept. 18. Filings so far point to differences over the proposals, especially in time frames for reporting bad behavior, appropriate monetary penalties, and defining to whom the rules apply.