Energy Policy Development Potential New Paradigm, and a Challenge
Towards a consensus-based outline of how technological advances can be encouraged and risk-managed.
Towards a consensus-based outline of how technological advances can be encouraged and risk-managed.
Understanding how PUC rate case findings differ from a utility’s financial reports.
The industry’s transformation has begun. Should the F40 transform too?
SunEdison, along with Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company, National Bank of Arizona (NBAZ), and Sol Systems announced a $50 million fund to build a 13.4 MW solar portfolio for the State of California prison and hospital systems. Sol Systems advised Nationwide Mutual Insurance on the acquisition of the equity in the transaction. SunEdison secured long-term debt for the projects from the National Bank of Arizona (NBAZ).
Great Britain’s latest innovation in grid regulation.
Is discounted cash flow (DCF) still a reliable tool for determining equity cost?
Utilities are enjoying some of the best financing terms anybody’s ever seen. Is the party winding down?
Conditions are ideal for utility financing—but not forever. Although interest rates remain low, policy changes weigh on capital structures.
What happens when the Bush tax cuts expire?
Congress again is embroiled in another hyper-partisan food fight that threatens to blow up into a fiscal crisis. And once again dividend-paying companies like utilities are caught in the crossfire.