

ABB energizes 500 MW HVDC line; MISO installs synchrophasors; Xcel plans transmission upgrades in Texas Panhandle; Panda orders power blocks from Siemens for Pennsylvania project; EdF starts operations at 110 MW solar project in Mojave Desert; plus contracts and announcements from Sensus, DTE, Calpine, PSNM, First Solar, NRG, and others.

ABB Commissions World's Highest Capacity HVDC Light Underwater Power Link

ABB delivered the East West Interconnector, the world’s highest capacity HVDC light underwater power link, to EirGrid, the Irish transmission system operator. The 500-MW transmission connection establishes a link between the Irish and U.K. grids, enabling cross-border power flows and enhancing grid reliability and security of electricity supplies. The new link also facilitates power trading between the two countries and connects Ireland to the European grid.