
News Analysis

The lawyers debated over ozone and soot, but the markets saw NO<sub>x</sub> as the "smoking gun."


News Analysis



News Digest


News Digest


Off Peak

Oracle's energy director tells Congress how new-economy firms are taking reliability concerns into their own hands.

Off Peak

November 1, 2000

Customers Move On

Oracle's energy director tells Congress how new-economy firms are taking reliability concerns into their own hands.


Wild Prices Out West: What Can Be Done?

The problems stem from a lack of incentives for long-term, fixed-price contracts.


The problems stem from a lack of incentives for long-term, fixed-price contracts.

The end of summer found energy regulators working overtime in California to appease an angry public that had seen electric bills double and triple in some parts of the state.


<b>Beware the transmission operator that is truly "independent." </b>


Price Cap Follies

EPA's Emissions Rule: Reliability at Stake?

SIP Call in a Nutshell


Some fear NOx controls will spawn outages and higher power prices.

Utility executives say the EPA's plan to reduce ground-level ozone in the nation's eastern half by controlling emissions of nitrogen oxides in upwind states could undermine electric reliability and force power prices higher.