BGS Auctions: What Price Is Right?
How to price new load-servicing contracts while incorporating market-risk analysis into such deals.
How to price new load-servicing contracts while incorporating market-risk analysis into such deals.
Many of the obstacles and strategic issues that utilities face today are all too familiar. This time they must be solved with a different business model.
A guide to the galaxy of low growth, high interest rates, and the dark side of the Force.
Many executives are hoping to avoid a repeat of the 1970s, when first hit the big screen, and when inflation, nuclear cost overruns, and diminishing returns came calling in an economic climate that today's markets threaten to emulate.
The Next M&A Wave: If mergers are once again a potential strategy for accomplishing growth objectives, the previous round of transactions offer several lessons.
Why broadband over power line (BPL) can't stand alone as a high-speed Internet offering.
Distributed Generation
In the first of three articles, experts at Oak Ridge National Laboratory examine the technical obstacles, deployment, and economic issues surrounding distributed generation.
The existing electric power delivery system is a critical part of this country's economic and societal infrastructure, and proposals to increase the role of distributed energy resources (DER) within this system are welcomed by few in the utility industry.
An analysis of competitive power markets finds that oligopolies are the end game for liberalized power markets.
A short list of questions that every board member and senior manager should be able to answer.
Are consumer broadband over powerline (BPL) services enough to make the business case for utilities?
A review of power plant deals in 2004 shows that utilities are buying.