After the Shakeout: Another Look at the Georgia Gas Market
Five suppliers are left. But that works when the utility gets out of the supply business.
After the Shakeout: Another Look at the Georgia Gas Market
After the Shakeout: Another Look at the Georgia Gas Market
News Digest
High profit potential will attract new power plants, forcing prices down and stranding the state's long-term electricity purchases.
Let's consider three questions crucial to California's energy crisis and its plans for solution.
News Digest
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News Analysis
Battle of Dunkirk
Utilities rush to save their last tenuous hold over the power plants they so smugly sold off.
Prices Hit a Pique
California pays the bill, but who gets the blame- the feds or the fundamentals?
What did they know and when did they know it? That's what California consumers are asking utility regulators and system operators, now that the heat of summer has made a shambles of the state's vision of electricity competition.
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