Groups Call Phase-II Filing "Frankenstein"

Two California watchdog groups, The Utility Reform Network and Utility Consumers Action Network, have filed a joint protest at the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission against the proposed structure of California's independent system operator and power exchange (Docket Nos. EC96-19-003 and ER96-1663-003).

The groups believe the proposed structures would hurt small consumers. They noted that although small consumers use about one-third of the state's electricity, they only have two votes out of 26 in both the PX and the ISO.

Central & SouthWest Power Marketer Gets OK

The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission on June 11 approved the request of CSW Power Marketing Inc. to sell energy at market-based rates due to lack of market dominance.

The FERC in May 1996 had denied an application by CSW, an affiliate of Central and South West Corp., to sell power at market-based rates (Docket Nos. ER97-1238-000 and ER96-1348-001). The approval was based on lack of a comparable, open-access transmission tariff on the systems of CSW's public utility affiliates.

Murkowski's Senate Panel Hears Consumers Groups

Pocketbook issues, like all others, tend to split along political lines.

Meeting on June 12, Sen. Frank Murkowski (R-Alaska) and members of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee focused for the first time on what customers really think about choosing their own energy vendor.

Nevertheless, despite the shift toward pocketbook issues, and away from so-called "inside-the-Beltway" concerns, the testimony came largely from organized consumer groups, and it appeared split down political lines: urban vs. rural, private vs. public, business vs. residential.


Canadian markets beckon U.S. utilities, and vice versa, demanding greater access to transmission lines to bridge the gap.

When I took the job of president of Niagara Mohawk Power Corp., way up North, near the Canadian border, I shared the news with a close friend. I told him how excited I was to be joining an innovative team that was out in front, breaking new ground in the competitive arenas rapidly evolving in the electric power industry.

Michigan Competition Plan Meets Opposition

Putting aside calls for a faster-paced switch to the new industry format, the Michigan Public Service Commission has adopted a phase-in schedule for customer direct access to alternative electricity suppliers that runs through 2002. The order, which some have said needs additional work, also outlines stranded cost recovery policies and related securitization strategies.

Under the plan, 2.5 percent of each electric utility's retail load will become eligible for customer choice each year from 1997 through 2001, with all customers eligible in 2002.

California Chooses Transition Charge for Recovery

The California Public Utilities Commission has established guidelines for the recovery of stranded costs over four years through a competition transition charge collected from existing and future customers, including those who depart the system.

The June 11 order allows recovery from 1998 through 2002 for costs associated with generation plants, nuclear settlements and QF contracts (Docket No. R.94-04-031/I.94-04-032). Costs associated with purchased power contracts, including QF contracts in place on Dec. 21, 1995, can be collected for the duration of the contract.

Moody's Predicts Greater Polarity in IPP Ratings

Moody's Investors Service examines key credit considerations in the evolving independent power production industry in a new report. The report predicts greater polarity in ratings of such companies.

The Haves and the Have-Nots: Access to Capital, Diversified Portfolios says the IPP industry will become dominated by "first-tier" companies that exhibit financial flexibility needed to survive in an increasingly uncertain environment. Such companies will possess diversified assets and ability to generate cash.

Michigan City Still Disputing Stranded Costs

The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission has moved closer to deciding the stranded cost dispute between Consumers Energy and the city of Alma, Mich., which intends to construct its own municipal electric system.

On Sept. 10, the FERC set for hearing two stranded cost issues: (1) whether Consumers Energy has met the "reasonable expectation" standard justifying stranded cost recovery from Alma; and (2) if so, what amount the utility may recover. (See, Docket No. sc97-4-000.)

Consumers Energy wants $56.1 million in stranded cost payments from Alma.

GPU Seeks $1 Billion in Stranded Costs

GPU Energy has filed electric restructuring proposals for its subsidiaries with the Pennsylvania Public Utilities Commission, calling for stranded cost recovery through a customer charge.

The filing for subsidiaries Metropolitan Edison Co. and Pennsylvania Electric Co. estimates stranded costs of $641 million and $372 million, respectively. The utilities want to recover stranded costs through implementation of a competitive transition charge paid by all customers using GPU Energy's distribution system.

Brownout Credit Card Cost Connecticut Utility

Connecticut Attorney General Richard Blumenthal has asked the Connecticut Department of Public Utility Control to order a one-time, 25-percent credit on bills of Connecticut Light & Power customers, claiming the threat of brownouts and blackouts has reduced service quality. That translates into about $33 million in customer credits.

Blumenthal also asked that the DPU order additional credits of the greater of $10, or 15 percent, in any month with one day of brownouts or blackouts, and $15 or 20 percent, for two days of problems.