Renewable Subsidies in the Age of Deregulation


energy in a restructured electricity market?

Renewable resource funding marks a major point of contention in utility deregulation. Environmental groups fear that without some form of compulsion or subsidy, or both, renewable resources will not survive in an energy economy based on least direct consumer cost. However, utilities do not want to be saddled alone with the chore of carrying all renewables to market.

Off Peak

NOx Joke

EPA Proposal Has IOUs Fuming

Electric utilities single-handedly to reduce smog.

MIDWEST AND OHIO VALLEY STATES ARE EXPECTED to get hit hardest by the Environmental Protection Agency's proposal to reduce smog.

Ohio, for example, is home to American Electric Power, one of the biggest contributors of NOx emissions at nearly a half million pounds per year (see chart).

The EPA proposed Oct. 10 that 22 states reduce nitrogen oxide (em a key element of smog (em citing electric utilities as the main source.

California Accord to Cure Market Power Problems

The California Public Utilities Commission has approved an agreement that will resolve a multifaceted case concerning pricing of services and operation of intrastate natural gas pipeline facilities by Pacific Gas and Electric Co.

The agreement, known as the "Gas Accord," also initiated significant changes in the way PG&E operates its business by increasing competition and customer choice. To mitigate the effects of market power held by the company, the commission imposed a series of discounting restrictions on PG&E.

Utility Retain Control Over "Dispersed" Cogen Plant

A cogeneration project approved by the Virginia State Corporation Commission will allow Virginia Electric and Power Co., the utility sponsor, to lease equipment to Chesapeake Paper Products Co., the project host (which will operate the gas-fired plant), and yet retain contractual rights to control certain aspects of operations and maintenance.

At the same time, however, the commission has nixed VEPCO's idea of organizing an affiliate "as an electric utility" to own and operate a pipeline lateral to supply natural gas to the plant.

Utilities Must Educate, Again

Seeking to wrest control of public relations for electric competition from private "stakeholders," the California Public Utilities Commission has authorized the state's three largest investor-owned electric utilities (em Pacific Gas and Electric Co., San Diego Gas and Electric Co. and Southern California Edison Co. (em to spend $89.3 million for consumer education on electric restructuring, through mass media, mail, local outreach and a toll-free call center.

In a separate order, the PUC authorized PacifiCorp and Sierra Pacific Power Co.

PUC Says Futures Trading Could Undermine PX

The California Public Utilities Commission, citing restrictions that force electric utilities to buy and sell power through the state's power exchange, has rejected a request by Pacific Gas and Electric Co., to use energy-related financial derivatives (em futures, swaps and options, etc. (em to manage risk associated with volatility in gas and electric commodity markets.

According to the commission, the proposal by PG&E for blanket authority to employ derivatives would violate several aspects of its electric restructuring policy.

In Brief...

GAS COMPETITION PLAN. Colorado releases framework for rate and service unbundling for natural gas LDCs, which includes: treatment of stranded cost, utility affiliate participation in the competitive market and supplier obligations. Docket No. 97I-0336, Aug. 19, 1997 (Colo.P.U.C.).

Local Telco Rates. Idaho directs USWEST Communications Inc. to reduce annual revenues by $327,000 and approves proposal to compensate ratepayers $4.2 million for yellow pages revenues. It also sets the rate of return on equity at 11.2 percent.Case No. USW-S-96-5, Order No.

TVA Gets $7M, Then Zero in ‘99

The House and Senate conference committee working on energy appropriations decided to cut funding for the Tennessee Valley Authority, then end it after 1998.

The Senate had proposed giving TVA $86 billion to fund nonenergy programs such as flood control and environmental programs (em $20 billion less than the amount proposed by the Clinton Administration. The House held out for less, agreeing to fund $70 million in 1998.

TVA Chair Craven Crowell said the $70 million, along with "carryover funds" from 1997, will allow TVA to meet its obligations.

Hydro, Coal Power Up; Gas Down, Says DOE's IEA

Hydroelectric power generation by U.S. electric utilities increased 12 percent between 1995 and 1996, according to the latest publication by the DOE's Energy Information Administration. Hydro generation contrasted with output at gas-fired units. That dropped 15 percent to 263 billion kilowatt-hours (em the lowest level since 1993 (em partly due to a substantial increase in gas prices.

According to Electric Power Annual 1996 Volume 1, the average cost of gas delivered to electric utilities on a dollars-per-million-Btu basis was $2.64 in 1996, the highest since 1985.

Schaefer to Put Shoulder to Door on Choice Bill

Rep. Dan Schaefer (R-Colo.) insists he intends to help enact federal customer choice legislation with a certain start date. The chair of the Subcommittee on Energy and Power made the pledge Sept. 24 at the panel's 20th hearing on electric restructuring. The hearing's focus was on state and federal roles in enacting competition.

Schaefer pointed out that the Edison Electric Institute seeks to avoid a federal mandate on retail access, yet members are going back to their states to throw a wrench into deliberations on, or implementation of, restructuring.