

Battle of Dunkirk



Utilities rush to save their last tenuous hold over the power plants they so smugly sold off.

Off Peak

Oracle's energy director tells Congress how new-economy firms are taking reliability concerns into their own hands.

Off Peak

November 1, 2000

Customers Move On

Oracle's energy director tells Congress how new-economy firms are taking reliability concerns into their own hands.



NYPA's CEO clarifies details of the Power Authority's auction of nukes to Entergy.


NYPA's CEO clarifies details of the Power Authority's auction of nukes to Entergy.

Several comments are in order concerning the analysis by Dan Donoghue and David Haarmeyer of the pending sale of the New York Power Authority's Indian Point 3 and James A. FitzPatrick nuclear power plants to Entergy Corp. (, June 15, 2000, p. 90).