
(September 2006) Pacific Gas and Electric Co. elected Bill Harper as vice president of strategic sourcing and operations support. Piedmont Natural Gas hired Judy Z. Mayo as deputy general counsel at Piedmont. ITC Holdings Corp. appointed Bennett Stewart to its board of directors. Cleco Corp. named Jeffrey W. Hall senior vice president, governmental affairs, and chief diversity officer. And others.

The Geopolitics of the Grid

Is it really so important to preserve regional differences?

The July 11, 2006, edition of the Wall Street Journal contained an excellent opinion piece which posed the question: “What does ‘energy security’ really mean?” What is so striking about his article is that his analysis easily could describe power industry politics between low-cost states (suppliers) and high-cost states (consumers).

Squeezing BTUs From Light Bulbs

Incandescent light bulbs create a cogeneration benefit by warming the indoor spaces they illuminate.

Genuine price signals about the underlying cost of consumer energy usage are an important part of energy efficiency. With those signals, consumers can adapt to save high-cost energy, while making better use of available low-cost sources and supplies.

Facing the Climate Challenge

Climate risks are entering the calculus for utility investment strategies.

Utilities are eager to invest in new power capacity—in part to build rate base and in part because they recognize the danger of relying too much on a single fuel source. Environmental issues, however, are adding greater complexity to company strategies for achieving fuel diversity.

The Top 10 Utility Tech Challenges

Innovation must play a key role in each company.

An EPRI vice president cites areas of concern in each part of the electricity value chain. How can IOUs overcome the formidable difficulties ahead of them?

Waiting on NERC: What's Next for Cyber-Security?

As NERC’s CIP standards advance, utilities move ahead, haltingly, with implementation.

Utilities are preparing for the eventual enforcement of new reliability rules from the North American Electric Reliability Council. As the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission continues its review of the proposed standards, we take a closer look at the effect of these rules on cyber-security, and offer a broad overview of all of the proposed reliability standards.

NERC's Reliability Standards: The Good, the Bad, and the Fill-in-the-Blanks

How to prepare for mandatory enforcement.

FERC staff’s Preliminary Assessment of NERC’s proposed reliability standards identified a number of potential deficiencies, many of which NERC plans to address. What adjustments must be made by users, owners, and operators of the bulk power system in the new era of mandatory compliance?

One RTO, Two Systems

By trying to placate regulated states—letting utilities “opt out” from its capacity market—PJM finds its RPM idea under fire.

While the PJM Interconnection has made no major changes to its prototype capacity market since it proposed the idea a year ago in August, and though it has won a tacit OK from federal regulators for many of the plan’s key elements, don’t expect to see a slam dunk when the time comes for a final review of the controversial idea, known as the Reliability Pricing Model.

The Changing Face Of Credit-Risk IT

A system that measures, monitors, and manages is no longer a Wall Street extravagance, but an industry essential.

Fifteen years ago, you couldn’t fill a small room with energy CEOs interested in discussing how credit risk affects their companies’ bottom lines. But a recent series of contract defaults, bankruptcies, Sarbanes-Oxley controls, and merger-and-acquisition activity has placed credit-risk management squarely on the industry’s radar. Today, it’s clear that an integrated risk system that measures, monitors, and manages credit-related risk is no longer a Wall Street extravagance, but rather an industry essential.

Green Options On the Future

Call options can be used as a financing tool for fixed-cost renewable energy technologies.

An unexploited benefit of renewable energy is the predictability of operating costs over the long term. A renewables operator knows today how much it will cost to produce energy decades in the future. This future price certainty has a value that can be transferred to electricity buyers or other market participants. How much value can a renewable-plant operator capture from selling long-term call options, given several future price and volatility scenarios? What will be the cost and benefit to an individual buyer or seller?