What Price, Resiliency?
Evaluating the cost effectiveness of grid-hardening investments.
Evaluating the cost effectiveness of grid-hardening investments.
New tools for enhancing utility preparedness and response.
Wall Street is back in business. What’s next for utility finance?
Interregional grid planning under FERC Order 1000.
Mining price signals in Ontario’s electricity market.
A formal methodology for developing ring-fencing arrangements and setting conditions.
How can decision makers determine the appropriate degree of ring-fencing for a utility holding company? The authors propose a systematic and objective method – recognizing business and financial risks specific to the regulated utility and its affiliates.
ABB successfully commissioned the subsea transmission link connecting one of the largest offshore wind farms in Europe to the Belgian grid. The Thornton Bank project, executed for the Belgian company C-Power NV was completed on schedule. The transmission link was constructed as part of an expansion of the Thornton Bank wind farm.
British Gas announced a deal worth £600 million for Landis+Gyr to supply the majority of the 16 million smart meters British Gas will install in its customers' homes. By 2020 smart meters will be rolled out as standard to homes and businesses across the country as part of a government initiative.