AREVA Wins Contract from DOE to Develop Enhanced Accident Tolerant Fuel

AREVA Federal Services (AFS), an AREVA subsidiary in the United States, was awarded a contract by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) to continue the development of next generation fuel for light water nuclear reactors. This program aims to develop enhanced accident tolerant fuel (EATF), a fuel that is more resistant under severe accident conditions, particularly those involving a loss of cooling. The AREVA-led team, comprising the U.S.

Obama and Climate Marchers Meet in NY but Take Divergent Paths

President Obama and the climate marchers now in New York City have one major thing in common – that they are fighting to mitigate global warming. But the soulmates are also departing on one major issue – the role of natural gas in that effort. Many of the marchers see natural gas as an obstacle to progress whereas the president views the energy source as a bridge fuel until green power is able to provide most of our electricity.

President Obama’s trip to the United Nations is infusing the People’s Climate March with new energy. While the president is now encumbered with defeating the Islamic State, the cause of mitigating global warming is still gathering steam. 

World Energy Trilemma 2014

Date & Time: Monday, November 24, 2014 -9:00am to 11:30am

Location:        The National Press Club – Ballroom

                        13th Floor

529 14th Street, NW

Washington  District Of Columbia  20045

United States

Contact:          Kimberly  Grover


5th Electric Energy Storage Conference

Through case studies, the heads of energy storage, operations, and research & development from electric utilities will discuss where the market is heading due to these new advances, as well as talk about what companies are finding to be the most successful with current technology. Attending this conference will help one to gain perspective on how to best update and integrate their assets more effectively.


ComEd’s SmartGridExchange Forum Explores Opportunities to Develop New Smart Grid Apps

ComEd, in partnership with Silver Spring Networks and Accenture, hosted its SmartGridExchange Forum, bringing together leading technology and innovation companies, including Oracle, NestLabs, Home Depot, GE Energy, and the Energy Foundry, with other customer and stakeholder organizations, including the City of Chicago, Citizens Utility Board and Smart Grid Consumer Collaborative, to discuss how to leverage the smart grid to deliver increased value to consumers.

Electrolux Buys GE’s Appliance Business for $3.3 Billion

Sweden's Electrolux AB paid $3.3 billion in cash for General Electric's appliances business. GE's century-old household appliance business could help the Swedish company expand beyond its core European market, where growth has trailed that in North America. The deal will be financed by a bridge facility, and the company plans a rights issue to raise about 25 percent of the price after the deal's expected closing next year.

U.S. DOE Selects Microgrid Institute to Design and Test Microgrid Systems for Maryland Communities

The U.S. Department of Energy, National Energy Technology Laboratory  selected a team led by Burr Energy LLC (dba Microgrid Institute) to design, simulate, and test microgrid control systems for two Maryland suburbs served by utility Pepco Holdings. DOE/NETL is expected to provide approximately $1.2 million in funding assistance for the Olney Town Center Microgrid Project during a two-year period beginning in late 2014.

Duke Energy Commits $500 Million to North Carolina Solar Power Expansion

Duke Energy committed $500 million to a major expansion of solar power in North Carolina. The company will acquire and construct three solar facilities - totaling 128 MW of capacity - including the largest solar PV facility east of the Mississippi River. Duke Energy also signed PPAs with five new solar projects in the state, representing 150 MW of capacity. Together, the eight projects will have a capacity of 278 MW.

Dominion Acquires Two California PV Projects from EDF Renewable Energy

Dominion acquired two solar energy projects totaling 42 MW from EDF Renewable Energy. The acquisitions of the California projects are expected to close in 2015. The Cottonwood project, with solar sites located in Kings, Kern and Marin Counties, has secured a 25-year PPA, interconnection agreements and EPC contracts. The company anticipates that the 24-MW solar energy facility will come online in the first half of 2015. The Catalina Solar 2 project, located in Kern County, has secured a 20-year PPA, an interconnection agreement and an EPC contract.