Regional Economic Benefits

Why are they ignored in transmission planning?

Why is there is there so much controversy about investments in transmission and distribution? We suggest it’s because the benefits are poorly understood – or even ignored.

Preparing for NERC CIP Version 5

A look at Its new guidelines for secure remote access

Several utility regulatory bodies have initiatives tailored to help secure remote access to the electric power grid from cybercrime. The most notable of these efforts comes from the North American Energy Reliability Corporation (NERC), with the realization of Version 5 of its Critical Infrastructure Protection (CIP) standard, which goes into effect on April 1, 2016.

Distributed Generation

Disruptive Technology or Regulatory Challenge?

Distributed generation marks a set of emerging technologies requiring creativity from utilities and regulators in introducing laws, policies, and economic incentives – to ensure that revenue streams are captured and that cost recovery reflects market reality.

Searching for Equilibrium

How to achieve it in the era of distributed energy

In the emerging era of distributed energy resources, we will find the distribution utility increasingly in the role of an integrator and enabler – more than their longstanding role as energy provider. Accordingly, the regulatory approach must go through its own structural shift to keep pace and restore the system to regulatory equilibrium.

People (August 2015)

Rick Riley was named group v.p. of customer service and operations for Entergy Arkansas Inc. and will replace Hugh McDonald as president and CEO when McDonald retires in 2016; Edison Electric Institute chose Nicholas K. "Nick" Akins, chairman, president and CEO of American Electric Power, and also elected four vice chairmen; Appointments by American Electric Power, Con Edison, Georgia Power, Dominion Resources, American Transmission Co. and Pacific Gas and Electric; and others...

Understanding New York's 'Vision'

A roadmap to ‘REV’ and its plan for restructuring.

New York's far-reaching reform plan, called the Renewable Energy Vision, or “REV,” seeks to decentralize power supply by encouraging distributed resources, and a new regulatory entity will be created called a “Distributed System Platform,” or DSP.

Becoming Customer-Centric

Two utilities embrace technology and innovation.

Today the rise of customer-centric technology and innovation has created a whole new set of challenges. Advances have occurred in energy efficiency, demand response, distributed solar, energy storage, and electric vehicles, as well as smart grid infrastructure and analytics. Electric utilities have two basic choices: react to the agendas of the special interests or chart a path forward to create the most value for stakeholders and customers.

Clean Power Plan Formalized

Can the Obama administration successfully guide its newly-formed Clean Power Plan through the legal system? While the regulation is despised by coal-related groups, others are applauding it –– calling it a huge step forward to boost both the economy and the environment.

It’s official: The Obama administration has formalized its Clean Power Plan, which now requires 32 percent carbon emissions reductions by 2030, up by two percentage points from the original plan released last summer. Next phase: outsmarting the opponents’ lawyers to achieve implementation by 2022, a mere two years later than the first draft.

Wanted: General Manager

Sho-Me Power Electric Cooperative, Marshfield, Missouri

The Board of Directors of Sho-Me Power Electric Cooperative is seeking qualified candidates for the position of General Manager. The General Manager reports to a nine-member Board of Directors that sets policy and approves electric rates for both members and non-members of Sho-Me Power.

Duke Energy Renewables Acquires 20-MW Shawboro Solar Project from Ecoplexus

Duke Energy Renewables acquired a 20-MW solar power project in Shawboro, N.C., from Ecoplexus Inc., lead developer of the project. The energy generated from the facility is enough to power about 4,000 homes and will be sold to Dominion NC Power through a 15-year agreement. Swinerton Renewable Energy will build the facility. The project is targeted for completion by year-end.