Energy People: Hans Kobler and Kevin Fitzgerald
We talked with Energy Impact Partners' CEO & CUO
Energy Impact Partners is a first-of-its-kind electric utility investment fund, formed by industry players with several years of energy experience.
We talked with Energy Impact Partners' CEO & CUO
Energy Impact Partners is a first-of-its-kind electric utility investment fund, formed by industry players with several years of energy experience.
We talked with Julia Hamm, CEO of SEPA
Julia Hamm started at SEPA soon after college, finding the organization a natural fit for her talents. She is the brains behind one of the largest trade shows in the industry, and has emerged as one of the foremost experts on the nexus between utilities and distributed energy resources.
Leadership Lyceum Podcast: A Conversation with WEC Energy Group President and CEO Allen Leverett
We Called Them 'Markets.' Now We're Testing Them.
Turning Point for Distributed Energy
Fat or Skinny?
New Risk for Electricity Sellers and Investors
Competitive Market Will Take Care of Next Burning Issue