Grid Resilience

What’s in a Name?

It is not clear how FERC will define resilience. A key challenge will be to provide precision and certainty.

Electricity or Natural Gas

Which Holds the Real Price Advantage?

The price of electricity per Btu based on marginal costs may be considerably lower than the price of natural gas when the grid is primarily supplied by wind and solar.

A New Face For PBR

Aligning Incentives in the Electric Utility Ecosystem

Incentives for most performance-based regulation do little to move the Utility of the Future agenda forward.

Sustainability Disclosures

Focus on building and protecting shareholder value

Mr. Atkins spoke about the recent uptick in Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG)-related shareholder activism and proxy initiatives at investor-owned electric utilities.

2018's Olympics of Gas

Information exchange will be incredible.

If you are involved with any sector of the gas industry, this is the event to attend.