Michigan Seeks Utility Pilot Plans, Issues Guidance

In recognition of the growing interest in plug-in electric vehicles (PEVs) in the state, the Michigan Public Service Commission has released an order in which it discusses a variety of matters associated with the emergence of PEVs in Michigan and the need for related infrastructure and technology. In its decision, the commission tasked the state’s electric utilities with developing pilot programs in comportment with certain principles the commission had identified after review of a broad range of stakeholder comments.

MISO Transmission Investments

The board of directors of the Midcontinent Independent System Operator (MISO) issued a statement showing its approval of more than 350 transmission projects — representing an investment of $2.6 billion — as part of the 2017 MISO Transmission Expansion Plan (MTE) aimed at improving energy access and reliability.

The regional transmission organization said that the extensive upgrades were deemed necessary to

FERC Says No to Perry's Recommended Adders for Coal and Nuclear Generation

Seeing a need to examine the issue of grid resilience more “holistically,” the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) has rejected a proposal from Rick Perry, secretary of the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), under which owners and operators of nuclear and coal-fired generating facilities would be eligible for a rate adder to account for their role in offering an extra level of protection and dependability to the nation’s electric grid.