Ohio PUC: John Williams

Service Monitoring and Enforcement

“We act as a window into the PUCO; folks can call here if they’re having problems communicating with their utility company or resolving a dispute.”

Ohio PUC: Tammy Turkenton

Director, Rates and Analysis Department

“In a distribution rate case, it wouldn’t be unusual for 15 to 20 people to work on a particular case.”

Ohio PUC: Kristina Schaefer

Chief, Grid Modernization and Security

“A big part of PowerForward is setting a holistic policy for grid modernization, so that potential benefits aren’t being left on the table.”

Ohio PUC: Howard Petricoff

Chief Analyst

“More challenging than setting cost-of-service based rates is conducting regulatory policy for the utility services now deemed competitive, pursuant to the state’s deregulation statutes.”

Ohio PUC: Alan Martin

Deputy Director, Transportation Department

“We’re busy. We’re a crossroads state, so we’ve got a lot of traffic coming through the state. There’s always work for us.”

Ohio PUC: Bethany Allen

Chief Commission Aide

“I present a thorough review to the chairman that highlights decision points, provides recommendations.”