Fortnightly Smartest Communities 2019

Award Winners

We at Dentons wish to congratulate the very deserving award winners of Fortnightly Smartest Communities 2019: Austin, Columbus, San Antonio, Spokane, and suburban Birmingham.

Our firm has been increasingly interested in this subject and created a global Smart Cities & Communities Think Tank with more than two hundred and fifty thought leaders from around the world. The more we have learned about smart cities through the Think Tank and through our work with clients, the more we realize just what a fast-breaking field this is, with developments occurring on a daily basis.

Indiana URC: Dale Thomas

A Day at the Indiana URC

"Over the next decade you’re going to see things go from more of an accounting based – here’s the cost to do something – to a business based, here’s the value of doing something."

Indiana URC: Beth Heline

A Day at the Indiana URC

"When statutes get passed or enacted, we are the ones who help implement the law, like starting rulemakings, and see what kind of processes need to change here."

Commissioner David Ober

A Day at the Indiana URC

"Politics plays a very small role here. It gets you through the front door, but it doesn’t define your service once you’re here."