Chair Geri Huser

A Day at the Iowa Utilities Board

"Social media and technology have brought an awareness to Iowans that they can participate in this regulatory process."

A Day at the Iowa Utilities Board

Unique conversations

The PUF team traveled to Des Moines, Iowa, the home of the Iowa Utilities Board, which got its start in 1878 as the Iowa Board of Railroad Commissioners, and later the Iowa State Commerce Commission.

Truman's Buck Stops Here

I was born in the summer of 1952. Yup, that was a while ago.

The per-kilowatt-hour price of electricity averaged about one and two-thirds cents halfway through that last year of the Harry Truman Administration. This summer, sixty-seven years later, the average price of electricity is around eight times higher, about thirteen cents.

But all consumer goods and services cost more now. On average, nearly ten times more. The Consumer Price Index is 9.7 times greater this summer than in the summer of 1952.

Energy Efficiency in Cannabis Cultivation

A Growing Concern

The indoor cultivation facilities are particularly energy intensive due to the high lighting power density of the flower and vegetation rooms and the need to cool and dehumidify the cultivation rooms.

Building Next Generation Utility

Energy Service Orchestrator

Our research shows that utilities may no longer have the luxury of time to devise the perfect strategy, and forward momentum is critical.