Corey Talks AI

Asset Risk and Worker Safety

“We’re at the tip of the iceberg in terms of the safety impact AI can have on the utilities industry.”

Commissioners Emeritus Officers' Roundtable

NARUC’s Commissioners Emeritus

A conversation with Ed Salmon, former President of the New Jersey BPU, Jim Sullivan, former President of the Alabama PSC, and Kim Pizzingrilli, former Commissioner of the Pennsylvania PUC.

AESP Roundtable on Integrated DSM

Association of Energy Services Professionals

From the AESP's Annual Meeting, a conversation with Jamie Barber of the Georgia Public Service Commission, Tom Hines of Arizona Public Service (consultant), Lon Huber of Duke Energy, William Ellis of Pepco, and Sharon Mullen of Guidehouse.

Innovation – Investment Nexus, Part II

Strategic Actions for Success

Utilities are amidst a technological revolution reshaping how the industry will look and thrive in the future. The industry knows it is betting its future on how it successfully positions itself to meet the changes anticipated to energy sources, financial markets, customer behaviors, and regulatory policies.