Fortnightly Smartest Utility Projects 2020 Nominations

Smartest Projects

Earlier this summer, Public Utilities Fortnightly announced a special feature and competition. We asked for nominations from around the country, throughout our industry, for the smartest utility projects. Here we acknowledge nominations for the Fortnightly Smartest Utility Projects 2020.

All the projects are meaningful and important to the industry. They show the inventiveness and ingenuity of great minds at work. In the end, these projects show how technology and great planning are moving us forward. Kudos to all.

NARUC: Gas on the Grid

NARUC Summer Summit

A panel discussion moderated by Ethan Kimbrel and Talina Mathews with Manu Asthana, John Bear, Richard Dewey, Mark Rothleder, and Anne George.

NARUC: Murkowski Returns

NARUC Summer Summit

“The American Energy Innovation Act is a bipartisan bill and we focus on efficiency, energy storage, renewables, carbon capture, and advanced nuclear.”