Undergrounding: Les Carter

Dominion Energy

“The idea behind this program is to reduce total length of restoration from specific storms, from any kind of catastrophic event. The best way is to find the most outage-prone zones and put them underground.”

They're Innovating Undergrounding


As we have experienced the effects of innovation in all aspects of our industry, so too has innovation revolutionized the conversion from “overheading” to undergrounding. Converting selected overhead wires to underground cables has consequently become a compelling option for utilities across the country.

Association of Edison Illuminating Companies' Top 10 Awards 2021


We celebrate this year’s AEIC Top 10 Awards for operational innovation: Commonwealth Edison for advanced distribution protection and for an arc flash simulator, Con Edison for its safety leadership system, Duke Energy for its customer delivery builder concierge, Eversource for its Give Me a Moment tools to address momentary outages, Florida Power & Light for tackling human error in switching, New York Power Authority for private LTE network applications, PPL for vegetation management risk modeling, Tampa Electric for its BlockEnergy distributed energy system, and Tennessee Valley Authority for its safety blitz process.

Top Innovators: 2021 Individuals and Teams

Innovation Imperative

PUF is excited about the Fortnightly Top Innovators 2021, because their stories are inspiring and uplifting. It's what we all need after a most trying and unusual pandemic time in our lives. It's about looking to the future and making it better.

Top Innovators: Nadia El Mallakh

Xcel Energy

The Electric Transportation Team works to address customer barriers to EV adoption and build out EV infrastructure. Over the last year, the team has worked to approve and implement the Colorado Transportation Electrification Plan.

Top Innovators: David Mercado and Eric Easton

CenterPoint Energy

During Winter Storm Uri and the power generation shortfall, the Real-Time Operations Team of 44 helped protect the Texas electric grid and prevent a statewide blackout, by complying with the Electric Reliability Council of Texas’s orders to shed load. They simultaneously worked to restore electricity to customers and devise innovative ways to rotate power outages among customers.

Top Innovators: Eric Coene, Ron Kent, Matt Gregori

Southern California Gas

The Gas Research, Development, and Demonstration Program Team develops and demonstrates products and technologies that promote decarbonization across the natural gas value chain and a diversified portfolio of clean energy sources, distributed networks, tools, and applications.

Top Innovators: Genevieve Shiroma, Leuwam Tesfai, Forest Kaser

California PUC

The Microgrids and Resiliency Team develops and executes regulations, tariffs, and programs for microgrids to enhance resiliency of the electric grid and reduce barriers for microgrid deployment. Their work has streamlined the interconnection process to ease customer burdens for microgrid installation while maintaining the safety of customers and utility workers, and empowered local and tribal governments looking to leverage microgrids as part of their resiliency planning.