Three "Workshops" Down, More "Work" to Do

Electric's Players Tell Senate Panel Where to Jump In, Butt Out

With three hearings behind it, what has the Senate panel on electric restructuring learned from regulators, utility execs and other industry types who have testified?

Granted, some candor has emerged from all the maneuvering and positioning typical of electric industry and sector leaders, but is that enough for the Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources to develop a position on federal legislation, without input from energy consumers and the voting public?

Sen. Frank H.


Every electric utility is looking for new ways to market energy to customers. And why not? Hospitals and other health care organizations constitute one customer segment sorely in need of a new marketing campaign. Even so, the utilities are making many mistakes. The health care sector can present a unique challenge to the utility marketing professional.

The first mistake that utilities make is assuming that hospitals are run like businesses. Technically, hospitals are not businesses. Hospitals do not function like businesses.

Enid, Okla., Flights to Municipalize

The city commissioners of Enid, Okla., voted to buy the portion of the electric distribution system of Oklahoma Gas and Electric Co. located within city limits, in agreement with a buy-out clause contained in the franchise agreement between the utility and the city.

The city's 25-year franchise agreement with Oklahoma Gas & Electric will expire in June 1998, but Enid must notify the utility one year in advance if it wants to terminate the agreement.


The Brooklyn Union Gas Co. and The Long Island Lighting Co. have agreed with the Long Island Power Authority for LIPA to acquire all of the Long Island Lighting Co.'s electric transmission and distribution system, plus substantially all of its regulatory assets and its share of the Nine Mile Point 2 nuclear plant.

The transaction would take place through a stock purchase from the holding company, which Brooklyn Union and Long Island Lighting Co. will form.

Oregon PUC Staff Set To Nix Combo

A senior staff member of the Oregon Public Utilities Commission has informed Portland General Corp. and Enron Corp. that the PUC plans to recommend disapproval of the proposed merger between the two utilities.

The decision will run in the staff's final report, which is expected to be released April 11. "We are not trying to kill the merger," said Phil Nyegaard, PUC staff member.

The staff believes that Enron's offer of $61 million in guaranteed cost savings and rate reductions does not provide sufficient benefits to meet the mandates for merger approval.

LG&0E Cuts PacifiCorp Out of Big Rivers Deal

In a court-ordered auction held March 19, a federal bankruptcy court judge selected a proposal by LG&E Energy Corp. to lease the generating assets of Big Rivers Electric Corp.

LG&E Energy will lease about $1.3 billion of the generating assets of the bankrupt Henderson, Ky., cooperative for 25 years, and provide power to Big Rivers to serve its member cooperatives and 90,000 customers.

Previously, it appeared PacifiCorp would get the lease agreement, which is the centerpiece of the Big Rivers' reorganization plan. But U.S. District Judge Jennifer B.

Moody's Predicts Securitizations Will Win High Ratings

Moody's Investors Service has concluded that a properly structured securitization backed by the future cash flow from a utility's stranded investments can achieve a credit rating higher than the rating of the senior debt of the utility.

Moody's said this ability bodes well for the increasing number of investor-owned utilities expected to issue up to $75 billion of such securities by 2000 to recover uneconomic investments.


Zond Development Corp. will supply MidAmerican Energy Co. with 45 MW of wind-generated power per month for 20 years. Terms of the agreement were not released, but Zond will begin supplying energy within three years of regulatory approval. The contract helps fulfill the utility's alternate energy requirements under Iowa law. Zond will generate the power from about 150 wind turbines planned for Buena Vista County. The windmills will interconnect with the MidAmerican transmission system at a nearby substation.


CMS Energy Corp.'s energy marketing unit, CMS Marketing, Services and Trading, hired David B. Geyer as v.p., risk management. Geyer's responsibilities include hedging, arbitrage and trading. CMS Generation Co.'s contract with Thailand's AMATA-EGCO Power Ltd., prompted the promotion of W. David Carni from operations superintendent to operations and maintenance plant manager.

Walter J. Gilbert, Volunteer Energy Corp. v.p., will head the company's newly opened office. Gilbert's added duties include special projects relating to gas acquisition, gas purchasing and marketing.


If Jane Austen were writing this column, she would begin something like this: "It is a truth university acknowledged, that a natural gas distributor in possession of a good franchise must be in want of an electric utility to merge with."

That's the rule of electric/gas convergence. But as an editor, my instinct when I uncover such a "rule" tell me to look for a reason why it ain't so. That's why I got such a kick from a recent conversation with Sheldon Silver, the speaker of the New York State Assembly.