Stranded Investment: Utility Estimates or Investor Expectations?

Ask this question: Are Investors today earning what they thought they would, back when they last had faith in regulation?

As their customers discover more competitive prices, many utilities remain saddled with the costs of uneconomic plant and power purchase contracts approved under regulation. They seek compensation for these costs, but the amount deserves a close examination.

Some utilities seek remuneration that exceeds the market value of their common stock. Such a settlement seems overly generous for investors, who will continue to own their shares after the payoff.

Stranded Utilities: How Demographics, Not Management, Caused High Costs and Rates

And why policy on

stranded costs defies

a traditional legal or

economic analysis.

There are sound economic reasons why policymakers should allow electric utilities to recover stranded costs through a competitively neutral network access charge, or some similar fee. First, differences in the quality of utility management appear to have contributed little to differences in electricity rates among states.

Off Peak

Many regulators say that new technology makes it cheaper and easier to build and operate electric generating plants.

Federal Judge Hears Antitrust Complaints on Heat Pump Promotions

A U.S. federal district judge in Pennsylvania will allow a jury to hear antitrust complaints lodged by heating oil dealers challenging certain promotional activities by Pennsylvania Power and Light Co., but it will exclude from jury deliberations any consideration of whether PP&L had established a "monopoly" in the home heating market.

During the period the utility had allegedly engaged in the promotional activities, its share of the entire home heating market had never exceeded 31 percent, the court said.

Load-Management Programs Canceled

The Virginia State

Corporation Commission has authorized Delmarva Power and Light Co. to close two experimental load-management tariffs to new customers.

Nevertheless, the utility said it would continue to call upon existing program participants to mitigate system emergencies throughout the year.

One program, established in 1988, offered billing credits to customers who agreed to establish a firm service level and then curtail load to that level at the company's request during peak management billing months of June through October.

Preference for Flat Rates Drives Gas Charge Restructuring

While directing PNM Gas Services ( a division of Public Service Company of New Mexico) to reduce rates for gas service, the New Mexico Public Utility Commission has redesigned residential rates to reinstate the once-discredited notion of recovering fixed costs in the commodity charge.

In the same case, the commission also rejected recovery of discount costs and other fees the utility paid and a proposal by the utility to "rebundle" sales and transportation rates by end-use class.

The PUC ordered PNM to reduce gas service rates $6.958 million.

Gas LDC to Revamp Business Development Rates

The New York Public Service Commission has authorized Brooklyn Union Gas Co., to amend its existing business-incentive and area-development rate programs.

Brooklyn Union provides rate reductions for new or expanding businesses in 26 specified regions under the area-development program. It also has provided similar benefits for new or expanding businesses under a system-wide, business-incentive rate program.

Local Telco Must Continue Centrex Offerings

The Minnesota Public Utilities Commission has rejected a proposal by U S WEST Communications Inc. to discontinue offering its Centrex family of business services to new customers.

According to the commission, the local-exchange carrier's plan would make it much harder for new resellers to enter the local telephone market and seriously hamper the development of competition in the state.

U S WEST had claimed that misapplication of "Centron/Centrex" offerings by smaller users had resulted in significant "tariff arbitrage" of basic business service.

Utility to Invite Bidding on Its Discounted Rate Contracts

Central Maine Power Co. has agreed to allow other providers of wholesale electric power to bid for the right to supply energy to the utility for resale to utility customers who enjoy special discounted rate contracts.

It would carry out its agreement if and when the state of Maine should decide to open its retail electric market to competition.

The utility's promise to allow competitive suppliers to bid the special-rate contract load paved the way for the Maine Public Service Commission to approve new multi-year contracts offered by the utility to two large customers.

Nevada Proposes Recovery of Stranded Costs

The Nevada Public Service Commission has issued a policy statement on recovery of "past costs" incurred by electric utilities in the state, asking for comments in its ongoing investigation of restructuring in the electric industry.

In the policy statement, the commission proposes to set up a "rebuttable presumption" favoring full recovery of all costs maintained on the books by Nevada utilities.