
Fortnightly Magazine - July 15 1998
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UTC, The Telecommunications Association, appointed William R. Moroney its executive director. He replaces Mike Meehan, UTC's executive director since 1988. Moroney previously served as president and CEO of the Multimedia Telecommunications Association.

LG&E Energy Corp. named Frederick James Newton III senior vice president of human resources and administration. Previously, Newton was senior vice president of human resources for Woolworth Corp.'s Champs Sports Division.

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Commissioner Heather F. Hunt has resigned from the Maine Public Utilities Commission. Hunt will join the Southern Connecticut Gas Co. as group director of regulatory research and services. Hunt joined the PUC position in September 1995.

Michael J. Balinskas was named director of corporate development for The United Illuminating Co. Balinskas joined UI in 1982 as a maintenance engineer. Most recently, he held the position of director of business development.

American Water Works Co. designated Anthony P. Terracciano, former president of First Union Corp., to an expanded post as vice chairman. Also, J. James Barr, appointed acting CEO in November, was elected president and CEO.

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