
Fortnightly Magazine - June 1 1998
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FERC Commissioner Vicky A. Bailey named Robert H. Solomon as her new attorney advisor for electric matters. Solomon has been with the Office of General Counsel since joining FERC in 1988. He has held key positions such as Deputy Assistant General Counsel for Electric Rates and Corporate Regulation.

AmeriGas Propane Inc. announced the election of Richard C. Gozon as director. Gozon will replace Robert C. Forney who recently retired. Gozon is executive vice president of Weyerhaeuser Co. He also serves as a director of UGI Corp., UGI Utilities Inc., AmeriSource Health Corporation and Triumph Group Inc.

EEI Annual Meeting 2024 - June 18-20

The three companies formed in last year's restructuring of Oglethorpe Power Corp. elected its 1998 officers. Oglethorpe Power named J. Calvin Earwood chairman of the board and Benny W. Denham vice chairman. Georgia Transmission Corp. named Charles R. Fendley chairman and Ray Jones vice chairman. Georgia System Operations Corp. chose James E. Estes as chairman and Thomas N. Hand as vice chairman. Tom Kilgore serves as President and CEO of all three companies.

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