Conecticut OKs Wholesale Telco Rates

Fortnightly Magazine - November 15 1996
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The Connecticut Department of Public Utility Control (DPUC) has set rates charged by Southern New England Telephone Co. (SNET) for service elements for local exchange carrier (LEC) services provided at wholesale to new competitors in the LEC market.

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It identified the Total Service Long Run Incremental Cost (TSLRIC) method as the starting point for its ratemaking decisions, but rejected arguments by several parties to employ TSLRIC without any further contribution to joint and common costs.

All told, the DPUC sets rates for: 1) common trunk interconnection arrangements, 2) the electronic interface to the E-911 database, 3) NXX administration, 4) number portability, and 5) inclusion of information in the customer-service portion of telephone directories.

It instructed SNET to recover number portability costs from all telecommunications carriers, not just new market entrants. The DPUC concluded that a number portability cost-recovery mechanism based on a carrier's number of active telephone lines in SNET's service territory would satisfy federal requirements for competitive neutrality. Re So. New Eng. Tel. Co., Dkt. No. 95-11-08, July 17, 1996 (Conn.D.P.U.C.).

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