In Brief...

Fortnightly Magazine - September 15 1996
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Sound bites from state and federal regulators.

DSM: Gas vs. Electric. Plan is approved for City of Tallahassee municipal electric and gas utility to use demand-side management to cut electric demand and use (predominantely during winter peak) through low-interest loans for natural gas equipment, even though plan will not pass RIM (rate impact measure) test. Docket Nos. 930559 et al. Order No. PSC-96-0716-FOF-EG, May 28, 1996 (Fla.P.S.C.).

Foreign Acquisitions. Iowa exempts utility foreign acquisitions from review where ratepayers suffer "minimal impact." Docket No. RMU-96-1, June 21, 1996 (Iowa U.B.).

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1996 Telecom Act. Washington details procedure and timetable for negotiation, mediation, and final approval of interconnection agreements between local exchange carriers and competitors; lists "preferred outcomes." Docket No. UT-960269, June 27, 1996 (Wash.U.T.C.).

Gas DSM. Michigan rejects DSM surcharges proposed by Michigan Gas Utilities for failing to show precisely how, to what degree, and over what time frame nonparticipants would benefit. Case No. U-11070, June 26, 1996 (Mi.P.S.C.).

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