States Promote Local Telephone Competition

Fortnightly Magazine - August 1996
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The Iowa Utilities Board (IUB) has set rates and terms for unbundled interconnection services that U S WEST Communications, Inc., a local exchange carrier (LEC), must provide to other carriers seeking to provide competitive local service. The IUB ruled that U S WEST must use the Total Service Long Run Incremental Cost method to set prices for the use of its facilities. It also ruled that the LEC may include "an appropriate markup" in the rates as well as a contribution to shared and common costs of the local loop. The LEC was also authorized to develop charges for directory assistance and interim number portability services. It rejected a proposal by U S WEST to establish a system of cost-based charges for termination of local calls on its network in favor of inkind exchange of traffic without cash payments, known as "bill and keep." The IUB also found an interim universal service charge not warranted at the current time. Re U S WEST Communications, Inc., Docket No. RPU-95-10, May 17, 1996 (Iowa.U.B.).

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