Texas Utility Pushes Pooling

Fortnightly Magazine - June 1 1996
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Central and South West Corp.'s subsidiary, Central Power and Light Co. (CPL), has proposed that all ERCOT nonnuclear utilities (em including IPPs, co-ops, and municipals (em become part of a competitive wholesale bulk power pool run by an independent system operator (ISO).

EEI Annual Meeting 2024 - June 18-20

Transmission and distribution companies would continue to own and operate power lines, purchase all nonnuclear generation from the pool, and assume responsibility for actual delivery. Utilities that own all or a portion of nuclear power, including CPL, would continue to include all reasonable costs associated with those investments in the form of a nonbypassable "wires" charge approved by the public utility commission.

CPL said its stranded costs would range from zero under this proposal to as much as $3.7 billion under a "worst case scenario" in which retail wheeling is implemented immediately.


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