MidAmerican Gets Market-Based Rates

Fortnightly Magazine - May 1 1996
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The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) has conditionally approved market-based rates for power sales by MidAmerican Energy Co., finding a lack of generation market dominance (Docket No. ER96-719-000).

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In 1994, the FERC granted MidAmerican's affiliate power marketer, InterCoast Power Marketing Co., authority to sell power at market-based rates, conditioned on the submission by Iowa-Illinois Gas & Electric Co. (MidAmerica's predecessor in interest) of a tariff providing comparable transmission service. The FERC was satisfied by MidAmerican's explanation that its ownership of gas distribution facilities does not enable it to raise barriers to entry. Nevetheless, the FERC retained authority to revoke market-based rates should MidAmerican become able to raise barriers to entry. t

Inside Washington items were reported by Lori A. Burkhart, an associate legal editor of PUBLIC UTILITIES FORTNIGHTLY.


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