Washington Adopts Restructuring Principles

Fortnightly Magazine - February 15 1996
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The Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission (UTC) has issued a policy statement of eight principles as a guide to adapting its regulatory authority to the "more competitive circumstances facing the state's electric industry." The statement is not binding on the UTC or on parties to formal proceedings.

EEI Annual Meeting 2024 - June 18-20

The UTC said it would strive to promote the "natural" evolution of efficient markets, but that its primary goals would remain affordable prices for electric service, protecting the long-term integrity of the system, and preventing noneconomic bypass and attendant cost-shifting to remaining ratepayers. The UTC warned that utilities should not expect guaranteed recovery of all costs of investments eventually proven uneconomic or stranded by competitive forces. It said that regulatory polices must seek to continue to balance ratepayer and shareholder interests while seeking flexible ways to reduce the exposure of all market participants to the risk of stranded investment.

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