
Fortnightly Magazine - December 1997
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NEW England Power, a subsidiary of New England Electric System, promoted Lawrence E. Bailey to president. Previously, Bailey served as vice president and director of generation operations.

Former Deputy Secretary of Energy, Charles B. Curtis, joined Hogan and Hartson as the director of its energy group. Susan Tomasky, former General Counsel of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, accepted a position with Hogan and Hartson's energy group.

Anne Levinson, former deputy mayor of Seattle, was appointed to a six-year term as chair of the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission by Gov. Locke. The UTC regulates rates, services, facilities and practices of the state's investor-owned utility and transportation companies.

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The American Petroleum Institute named Jack E. Little, president and CEO of Shell Exploration & Production Co., its new chair of the General Committee of Exploration and Production. Little also serves as chair of the Gas Research Institute.

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