CINERGY MERGER CONDITIONS. FERC allows two-year deferral of prior requirement (a condition of the 1993 Cinergy merger) for Cincinnati Gas & Electric Co. and PSI Energy Co. to build a 345-kV transmission line by 2000 to link territories to guarantee central dispatch for generation. Cinergy says it can now duplicate the capacity with open access. FERC Chair James Hoecker concurs, citing "further evidence that the bulk power market is working." (Docket No. EC93- 6-004, Sept. 24, 1997)
Hydro Licensing. Commission denies city of Idaho Falls the right to build a 10.3-MW hydroelectric generating plant on Snake River, finding threats to fish and wildlife outweighing project benefits. Opponents include state of Idaho, the U.S. Interior Dept. and Shoshone-Bannock tribes. (Docket No. P-5090-005, Sept. 24, 1997.)
Power Marketers. British Columbia Power Exchange, an affiliate of British Columbia Hydro and Power Authority, wins OK to operate as power marketer in U.S. after FERC finds mitigation of market power by filing of Canadian transmission tariff similar to pro forma tariffs under Order 888. Intervenors say constraints on Alberta/BC Intertie still perpetuate market power, but FERC defers to Canadian jurisdiction. Chair Hoecker says U.S. entry by Powerex is good for consumers. (Docket Nos. ER97-4024-000, EL95-62-000, Sept. 24, 1997.)