Relicensing Settlement Moves to FERC

Fortnightly Magazine - November 1 1997
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New England Power Co. has agreed with 17 parties, including government agencies and conservation groups, on the relicensing of the Fifteen Mile Falls hydroelectric project on the Connecticut River.

New England Electric System President and CEO John W. Rowe, Gov. Howard Dean (D-Vermont) and Gov. Jeanne Shaheen (D-N.H.) signed the agreement.

The agreement governs requirements for a new, 40-year license for Fifteen Mile Falls, the largest conventional hydroelectric project in New England. It consists of three developments, including 12 generation units producing 369 megawatts of capacity and an average of 580,000 megawatt-hours of hydroelectric energy annually.

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The agreement is designed to balance environmental protection, recreational use and power generation. It commits New England Power to implement measures to enhance recreation, fisheries and water management in exchange for the support of the signatories when the company seeks the new license from the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission.

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