Give the British credit, but what about us?
Fortnightly Magazine - September 15 2001
Kevin Cooney
Off Peak
The El Paso case just won't quit.<b> </b>
Off Peak
September 15, 2001
Let's Play "Spin the Pipeline"
The El Paso case just won't quit.
It began over a year ago, on April 4, 2000. That's when California accused El Paso Natural Gas Co. of manipulating capacity rights on its natural gas pipeline by auctioning them off to its own affiliate, El Paso Merchant Energy.
Joint Complainants v. El Paso Natural Gas Co., FERC Docket No. RP01-484- 000
Reversal of Fortune? Wall Street Rethinks Merchant Power
Analysts ask why stocks plunged, even as earnings grew - for generators as well as utilities.
"Manufacturing companies locate around the world. You're seeing the same situation in the power business."
Richard Stavros
Neptune and the Northeast
What a merchant transmission line <br> could bring to the table<font color="000066" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">.
Neptune and the Northeast
Edward Krapels
After the Shakeout: Another Look at the Georgia Gas Market
Five suppliers are left. But that works when the utility gets out of the supply business.
After the Shakeout: Another Look at the Georgia Gas Market
Emily A. Bartman and George R. Hall
A reader claims that wholesale power competition makes conservation more valuable than before.
DSM Revisited
Bruce W. Radford