Fortnightly Magazine - August 2001

Bullish for Business

Forced consolidation of RTOs would set transmission owners free to go after profits.

Forced consolidation of RTOs would set transmission owners free to go after profits.


David E. Meador, Robert G. Harvey, Dennis Spurgeon, Erroll B. Davis, Jr., and more.

U.S. Gas Production: Can We Trust the Projections?

Government (EIA) forecasts suffer in credibility when compared with geologic assessments.

The EIA predicts that natural gas consumption will climb more than 60 percent percent over 20 years, driving U.S. production up 50-plus percent over the same period. How does that square with geologic assessments?

Wind Power, Poised for Take Off?

A survey of projects and economics.

An industry advocate touts the recent rise of projects in the pipeline and forsees remarkable growth in wind farms over the next twenty years — more, perhaps, than others would concede.

ICAP: A Make-Believe Market?

New England puts a price on electric reliability, but some say the charge looks more like a tax.

Does ICAP qualify as a true commercial product, traded on its own merit with a tangible value for customers?

Larceny Debunked

Reliant comes clean on profits, says California picked its own pocket.

While the media made hay chiding power producers for gouging consumers for electricity generated from gas-fired turbines, California' s system of a single market-clearing price for electricity was "delivering immense windfalls" to utilities who had no need to buy gas at all to run the power plants they still owned (or controlled through affiliates).