Fortnightly Magazine - September 1 2003


The 50 hertz market is poised for growth as the 60 hertz market levels off.


The 50 hertz market is poised for growth as the 60 hertz market levels off.


The savvy traveler considers three things when taking electronic equipment abroad: the voltage of the outlet, the type of plug needed, and the power frequency of the destination country. Builders of power plants and their suppliers, however, need concern themselves only with the latter of the three.

Commission Watch

The developing jurisdictional battle over authorizing rejection of wholesale power supply agreements is getting white-hot, pitting creditors against ratepayers.

Commission Watch

The developing jurisdictional battle over authorizing rejection of wholesale power supply agreements is getting white-hot, pitting creditors against ratepayers.


Business & Money

Sizable gains return to the market.

Business & Money

Sizable gains return to the market.


With an average appreciation of 18.9 percent since we last ran SNL Financial's dividend data , SNL's safe dividend picks appeared to do well for any market. However, like the fine golden years of the late '90s for all things technology, recent months have returned sizable gains to investors of energy stocks-not what one would expect from slow growth, dividend-paying electric and gas utilities that make up the majority of the SNL Energy universe.

Technology Corridor

Outdated "wisdom" wastes the nation's electricity infrastructure. Distributed CH&P is the answer.

Technology Corridor

Outdated "wisdom" wastes the nation's electricity infrastructure. Distributed CH&P is the answer.


The use of wasted heat-which now comprises two-thirds of the energy value of the fuels used in generat-ing electricity in this country-may be the most important benefit from using more distributed generation.

The Politics of AMR

The industry continues to debate the costs and technology of automated meter reading, even as some regulators insist on immediate implementation.

The industry continues to debate the costs and technology of automated meter reading, even as some regulators insist on immediate implementation.


Water Heaters to teh Rescue: Demand Bidding in Electric Reserve Markets

With just a few changes in reliability rules, regulators could call on consumer loads to boost power reserves for outages and contingencies.

With just a few changes in reliability rules, regulators could call on consumer loads to boost power reserves for outages and contingencies.


In proposing a standard market design (SMD), the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) makes clear that it wants customers to participate in wholesale power markets, such as by bidding an offer to curtail consumption, increase supply, and reduce upward pressure on prices.

"We believe in the direct approach of letting demand bid in the market," says FERC.


Bankruptcy may not be better for ratepayers.


Bankruptcy may not be better for ratepayers.


New Positions:


New Positions:

Mirant's board of directors elected Robert N. Dangremond as its chief restructuring officer, following the company's Chapter 11 filing in mid-July. Dangremond is a principal with AlixPartners LLC.

Beth W. Cooper was appointed corporate treasurer of Chesapeake Utilities Corp., headquartered in Dover, Del. Cooper moves from the role of assistant treasurer for the utility.


The crisis of confidence in today's power industry is, at its heart, a crisis of ideas.


The crisis of confidence in today's power industry is, at its heart, a crisis of ideas.