Picture Energy: U.S. Energy Association Public Policy Forum


Industries Across Energy Annually Convene

Fortnightly Magazine - July 2024

The United States Energy Association hosts its Annual Membership Meeting and Public Policy Forum in the late spring each year and this year celebrated its 100th Anniversary. It is there that the USEA also honors outstanding energy industry leadership with its special awards.

This year, the conference included senior leaders from the U.S. Department of Energy, Department of State, and Agency for International Development, industry associations like the Edison Electric Institute and Smart Electric Power Alliance, technology and research organizations like EPRI and Dragos, and grid reliability organizations like NERC and SPP.

Always a top focus of USEA and its events is the expansion and enhancement of energy supply and delivery to all peoples of the world and certainly those in developing countries. Panels at the Public Policy Forum discussed impressive advances in South America and eastern Europe particularly. Here are some scenes of the event captured by the cameras of the Public Utilities Fortnightly team.

Enjoy these memorable moments at our Facebook gallery.