Innovation: Colette Honorable


Exelon Innovation Summit

Fortnightly Magazine - July 2024
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The 2024 Exelon Innovation Expo on June fifth at the National Harbor in Maryland was inspiring and full of energy. PUF asked three of Exelon's top execs what the Expo means to them, and how innovation is weaved into all aspects of the company's service to customers.


PUF's Steve Mitnick: What is your role at Exelon? How does your background relate to that mission?

Colette Honorable: I was hired to lead public policy for Exelon, to lead our external engagement, how we work with our stakeholders, policymakers, regulators, and most important, our customers.

I often describe myself as having been hired to be the storyteller in chief. My role is to oversee federal relations, government relations, our work on the Hill, public policy, corporate affairs, which includes communications, marketing/branding and corporate giving, strategy, sustainability, and innovation, as well as customer engagement.

I used to be described as the consumer Commissioner. To come here to help align and focus our work on what's best for the customer, and of course what's best for the shareholder, has allowed me to bring a lot of my interesting, and maybe even odd, experiences in my background to help me in this role.

PUF: You were a FERC Commissioner and were at a major law firm. How does that roll into what you're doing today?

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