The American Utility in 2023: Back to the Future



Fortnightly Magazine - July 2023
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In the face of an accelerating energy transition and increasing economic uncertainty, the utility today must draw upon its public service roots now more than ever to accelerate an all-hands-on-deck decarbonization transition, while ensuring reliability and resilience and maintaining affordability across the communities they serve. Meanwhile, clean, distributed, mobile, and smart technologies are upending distribution grid stability.

Aging transmission and distribution infrastructure requires wholescale upgrades, while connecting utility-scale renewable power to expanding communities faces challenging bottlenecks. An aging utility workforce and operating model requires retooling to meet increasing threats from cyberattacks and destructive weather events. All of this must be achieved in an affordable and equitable way.

While the challenges are multifaceted, the opportunity to build public-private coalitions to deliver transformational infrastructure change offers an exciting path forward for an industry looking to keep pace with solution innovation and shifting customer demand. According to our ninth annual "State and Future of the Power Industry" pulse survey of utility stakeholders, conducted in partnership with Public Utilities Fortnightly, most industry respondents prioritize state and local governments and regulators as critical partners to navigate the energy transition.

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