Kansas Electric Power Cooperative
Suzanne Lane is CEO of the Kansas Electric Power Cooperative.
The National Rural Electric Cooperative's PowerXchange is the largest gathering in the nation of cooperative leaders. Public Utilities Fortnightly brings you excerpts of an online CEO talk with NRECA's Jim Matheson, Middle Tennessee Electric's Chris Jones, Electric Cooperatives of Arkansas' Buddy Hasten, and Kansas Electric Power Cooperative's Suzanne Lane.

Kansas Electric Power Cooperative CEO Suzanne Lane: Kansas Electric Power Cooperative is a G&T cooperative serving a little over the eastern half of the state of Kansas. We serve about two hundred thousand rural Kansans, so it's a bit smaller from the distribution cooperative side that Chris Jones had described earlier.
Just like my colleagues have indicated, we at KEPCo are excited to support new technologies, and be part of this energy transition, but it has to be a case that makes sense. Regardless of whatever cooperative leader in whatever region you might speak to, that seems to be a common theme, and as we get out and talk to folks, as well.
At KEPCo, we have sixteen member-owning distribution cooperatives and they're pleased in regard to our generation portfolio diversity and our non-greenhouse gas emitting resource position. Currently, about sixty-five percent of our annual energy needs come from non-greenhouse gas emitting resources.