EPRI is Climate READi



Fortnightly Magazine - February 2023
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EPRI in April 2022, in response to the need to prepare the power system against the effects of climate change, launched the Climate REsilience and ADaptation initiative or Climate READi for short. It requires unprecedented collaboration, so taking part in that initiative is the New York Power Authority, which is leading the way to a clean New York energy future.

NYPA is one of the utilities that joined the growing group of Climate READi trailblazers that will leverage decades of research by EPRI, U.S. National Research Laboratories, the DOE, academic institutions, and others to create a comprehensive, industry-accepted framework to guide electricity system adaptation and resilience decisions and investments. It is important work.

Public Utilities Fortnightly sat down with NYPA's leader, Justin Driscoll, to find out about where this important utility and program are going together. Listen in as he explains their journey.

PUF's Steve Mitnick: Why have you become actively involved in Climate READi?

Justin Driscoll: NYPA has an important clean-energy role to play in New York State; we provide about twenty-five percent of the electricity that is consumed in the state on any given day.

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