The More Things Change
Steve Mitnick has authored four books on the economics, history, and people of the utilities industries. While in the consulting practice leadership of McKinsey & Co. and Marsh & McLennan, he advised utility leaders. He led a transmission development company and was a New York Governor’s chief energy advisor. Mitnick was an expert witness appearing before utility regulatory commissions of six states, D.C., FERC, and in Canada, and taught microeconomics, macroeconomics, and statistics at Georgetown University.
There's less than two weeks to go before we'll be getting together again in D.C. in mid-February. As usual it will be a lot warmer inside the Renaissance Hotel than outside of it, at NARUC's 2023 Winter Meeting; formally the Winter Policy Summit.

Seven Februarys ago, at NARUC's 2016 Winter Meeting, Montana's Travis Kavulla presided with Pennsylvania's Rob Powelson and Connecticut's Jack Betkoski as the First and Second Vice Presidents respectively. Today, Kavulla is Vice President of Regulatory Affairs at NRG, Powelson is CEO of the National Association of Water Companies, and Betkoski remains in utility regulation as Vice Chair of the Connecticut Public Utilities Regulatory Authority.