Tapping Diverse Connections
Andy Jarvis is T&D Group SVP at Burns & McDonnell. Ron Evans is Diversity Director at Burns & McDonnell. Nilson Goes is President of Infinite Energy Construction. Kimberly Moore is President of KDM Engineering.
While Burns & McDonnell has quite a history of working with diverse suppliers, it is enhancing such efforts. It just held its first Tapping Diverse Connections event, hosted by the Transmission & Distribution Group.

Tapping Diverse Connections aimed to further diverse supplier networking and elevate strategic sourcing opportunities by providing networking opportunities for more than twenty diverse suppliers from across the country. The goal is to provide maximum practical opportunities for diverse businesses to participate as subcontractors and suppliers for goods and services that support Burns & McDonnell clients and projects.
With alliances in place with Infinite Energy Construction and KDM Engineering, to help them grow their businesses, PUF wanted to know more about this intriguing collaboration. Herein is a conversation with a group who participated in that first Tapping Diverse Connections Event. Enjoy the discussion.
PUF's Steve Mitnick: Tell us about this event recently that was called Tapping Diverse Connections. What was the point of the event and how was it?
Ron Evans: The objective was to bring together diverse-owned businesses that have supported our T&D group, our T&D projects in the past, as well as companies that have been developing strong relationships with us recently.