NorthWestern Energy
Bob Rowe is the CEO of NorthWestern Energy. Former NARUC President Paul Kjellander is Senior Advisor at Public Utilities Fortnightly.
The beautiful states of Montana, Nebraska, and South Dakota all have in common the provision of utility service by NorthWestern Energy, headquartered in Sioux Falls. Not to forget service also provided to Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming, another gorgeous location.

It's important to keep these remote and stunning areas pristine, which is why the achievement of net-zero emissions by 2050 by NorthWestern Energy is critical. That work is tough enough, but it takes much more planning now to do it all.
PUF's Paul Kjellander discusses the latest with CEO Bob Rowe concerning NorthWestern Energy, the utility covering vast regions of unspoiled land, on how to keep it that way. Enjoy this conversation.
Paul Kjellander: What is your Net-Zero Vision for NorthWestern Energy?
Bob Rowe: First, I want to recognize the people doing the work. We're a small company so every project we take on is, other duties as assigned. Brian Bird, our COO, has been leading our ESG effort for two years, with contributions from across the company, including our operating areas, finance, legal, human resources, communications, and of course our environmental.