A Forum for Dialogue
Skip Cofield is secretary of the AEIC Power Generation Committee and serves as the manager of Generation Development & Technology Application at Southern Company.
As the electric power generation landscape evolves, the need for continuous, open dialogue and collaboration among utilities, and between suppliers and utilities, is essential. This is even more critical amid a global pandemic presenting a wide range of potential scenarios that could have significantly disrupted power generation operations throughout the country.

Fortunately, there is one place where senior power generation leaders come together to discuss industry needs, best practices, lessons learned, and new technology developments. The Association of Edison Illuminating Companies (AEIC) Power Generation Committee actively promotes safety, technological, and operational advances in power generation by providing a forum for dialogue between suppliers and utilities.
The committee's members represent approximately sixty percent of the electricity generated in the United States, encompassing fossil, renewable, energy storage, and large-scale distributed resources. AEIC member company representatives serving on the committee are typically chief executive officers, presidents, senior vice presidents, and generation executives.