Indiana State Senate
Jim Robb is the CEO of NERC. Tim Gallagher is the CEO of ReliabilityFirst.
The Indiana Senate Utilities Committee, chaired by Indiana State Senator Eric Koch, met on January twenty-seven for a briefing by NERC on Reliability Issues and the Transforming Grid: A Regional Focus. It built on an informational session held there in March 2021 on Lessons from Texas in Winter Storm Uri, found in the April 2021 issue of PUF.
Presentations were made by Jim Robb, CEO of the North American Reliability Corporation, and Tim Gallagher, CEO of ReliabilityFirst Corporation. Enjoy these excerpts.
Utilities Chair, Indiana State Senator, Eric Koch: Under a year ago, we held our lessons from the Texas hearing, following the big freeze and we had MISO, PJM, the Commission, industry, and others to talk about what we needed, to make sure that what happened in Texas doesn't happen here in Indiana. Today's meeting builds upon the foundation of our lessons from the Texas hearing. We're going to talk about reliability.
CEO, North American Reliability Corp., Jim Robb: We're at a historic time in the evolution of the power grid across North America. Tim Gallagher, who leads ReliabilityFirst, and I will take you through our perspectives on the reliability issues that are going to be increasingly important for state legislatures and policymakers.