EEI: Remarks by National Grid CEO John Pettigrew


Global Electrification Forum

Fortnightly Magazine - May 2021
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EEI Annual Meeting 2024 - June 18-20

Embracing the transnational flavor of EEI's Fifth International Global Electrification Forum, EEI's Vice President for International Programs, Lawrence Jones, on the third day of the conference, introduced the CEO of National Grid, John Pettigrew, to start the day's events. Pettigrew drew attention to the important role EEI plays as an international organization advocating to advance the global power industry as well as looking ahead to COP26.

CEO, National Grid, John Pettigrew: The theme of this EEI event is Destination 2050, inflection, pathways, crossroads, and convergence. This effort certainly demonstrates the role the EEI plays. The critical goal for 2050 for all of us is achieving net zero in order to mitigate the worst impacts of climate change.

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